April 2023 Members Meeting Insights

April 2023 Members Meeting Insights

March 10, 2025

5 min read


The highlights of our April Member's Meeting are presented here. This monthly meeting is an opportunity to learn about the planned projects of the Digital Freight Alliance. We'll start with a brief overview of last month's meeting and then look at the many significant debates.

In this article, we will outline the agenda for the upcoming meetings and provide information on upcoming Digital Freight Alliance events that you can attend or in which you may be interested.

Today's digital world requires us to work in a completely new way.


Vision & Strategy

The Digital Freight Alliance was founded in early 2020 as a union of logistics providers that use the technologies of SeaRates.com. DFA is designed to be the world's most influential and independent freight forwarders' association and covers more than 190 countries. DFA is the first, despite much competition, because it uses innovative and technical capabilities, and also strives to keep developing new opportunities for members of the Alliance.

To understand the philosophy behind how a wider vision grew from this beginning, one needs to know that DFA was born from DP World and that DP World was born from the cultural background of Dubai as an entrepot. As barriers have progressively risen to world trade in the last ten years, DP World sees the digital revolution as an alternative engine to create growth.

To deliver this growth, however, we must provide the opportunity for SME forwarders to digitize and compete with large-scale players who are digitizing at scale. SME forwarders who are able to “go global” are the key to prosperity, we believe.


DF Alliance & Cargo Move

Cargo Move is a freight forwarding company based in Poland that provides superior transportation services at competitive rates. The team has experience fulfilling the most demanding logistics requirements worldwide.

Cargo Move provides sea, land, and air transportation. Damian Ostrowski, CEO of Cargo Move, was a speaker at the Monthly Member Meeting, where he shared his experience in international logistics. 

Damian Ostrowski discussed the features of global transportation directions in 2023 as well as the demand for maritime logistics services. 



Introduction to Cargo Move: DFA Premium Member


Cargo Move is a Premium Member of:

  • Polish Association of Freight Forwarders
  • DF Alliance












Contact details:

Damian Ostrowski 

CEO Cargo Move 

+48 512 125 585 




+48 42 206 88 59 



Cargo Move Sp. z o.o. 

Sienkiewicza Street 85/87 

90-057 Lodz, Poland 

VAT number: PL7252329111 



Membership Tiers

The Digital Freight Alliance is the first global supply chain association created by DP World, a leading enabler of logistics and trade. With both a free and premium membership, it's the start of your journey. Choose one and enjoy all the benefits of the Digital Freight Alliance.


DFA Membership Benefits


As a member of the DFA, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and topics discussed in our meetings. If you missed this meeting, don't worry! You can still catch up with the two recorded sessions below. This way, you won't miss out on any of the significant information that was discussed during the meeting. With these recordings, you can ensure you're always in the know about what's happening within our Alliance.


Product overview from our monthly member’s meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/ft3z5Je70dA23eLkdS0HrhyYwkMoYBv7koTh7ZU-wWLDh7Uu76GWsfg25-XUA8wG.We4mUH264sVSwjQg 

Passcode: 6Z?C^2uW


If you would like to join us, please contact us so that you don’t lose out on any opportunities for your freight forwarding business.